
BiopSafe podcast

MML-Medical podcast  Biopsafe

May 8, 2024

In this episode, we have a conversation with Perci Stubbs from the Haaglanden Medical Center about the risks of Formaldehyde in the workplace and healthcare. Formaldehyde is a dangerous substance that can cause cancer. Working safely with Formaldehyde, especially during biopsies, is crucial. Ensure adequate protection against exposure to this dangerous substance.

Formalhyde gevaarlijk of niet

Formaldehyde: dangerous or not?

April 30, 2024

Do you and/or your colleagues take biopsies? Then we invite you to a lunch meeting 'Formaldehyde, dangerous or not?' on July 2 in Utrecht. There we will discuss the dangers of formaldehyde, the requirements of the Ministry, and ways to avoid exposure. Formalin is on the list of carcinogenic substances and processes of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW). Employers are therefore obliged to protect their employees from exposure to this potentially dangerous substance. So come to the lunch meeting on July 2, where Percy Stubbs - Advisor on Hazardous Substances and Chairman of the national working group 'Cytostatics' and 'safe working with medicines' will tell you more about the dangers and also the available tools to avoid exposure. A great opportunity to discuss this topic with your colleagues during a pleasant lunch! You can find the invitation below via the link.


New! Rayscape

June 29, 2023

Rayscape is the solution for the assessment of CT and XR images. This innovative product uses Artificial Intelligence to analyze the images faster and more accurately than ever before. 


New! Embolization Embozene and Tandem beads

March 1, 2022

To complete our oncology package, we have become a distributor of Embozene and Tandem beads since 1 March. The total package of oncology products ensures that you can find everything within 1 company with your trusted contacts. In addition to RFA, MWA, and cryo ablation, we are now also ready for you with a nice package of embolization products.

Embozene offers you a very wide choice in different particle sizes from 40 μm to 1300 μm and has a long shelf life of 3 years. Embozene is used for A.V.M (Arteriovenous malformations), hypervascular tumors (H.V.T) such as fibroids and hepatomas. In addition, it can be used, for example, in prostate embolizations (PAE and BPH).

Embozene Tandem Deb-tace when a high precision is desired.

Bladder cancer follow-up using the Bladder EpiCheck as an alternative to cystoscopy

April 11, 2020

In many hospitals it is currently limited to perform regular clinical procedures. For patients who have had bladder cancer and are being monitored by cystoscopies, this means that these controls may be limited or impossible. Sanquin Diagnostics B.V. offers, in collaboration with OLVG Lab BV and MML Medical, the “Bladder EpiCheck” that can be used as a possible alternative to a cystoscopy and a visit to the hospital.

Click on read more for the full news item (Source:

Inner pocket vest 103

New inner pockets

February 1, 2019

From now on all our radiation protective vests and skirts will be delivered with 2 new inner pockets. With this, the existing bags on the outside of the skirts will be canceled. This gives you more storage options and an even sleeker design.

MML Medical-REMIX color series

MML Medical introduces the REMIX color series

November 16, 2018

The radiation protective clothing from MML Medical is now available in a mix of Revolution colors that you can put together as you wish! Do you want a blue lead apron with orange accents or green lead apron with yellow accents? It is all possible with the Revolution colors. If you want more information about the options, please contact us.


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