
Friday, October 6, 2017
Percutaneous treatment of thyroid abnormalities
Rijnstate Arnhem

The first Dutch multidisciplinary masterclass took place on Friday 6 October 2017 in the auditorium of the Rijnstate.

This master class was for endocrinologists, surgeons, nuclear medicine physicians and radiologists with an interest in thyroid pathology and minimally invasive therapy. Accreditation with the NIV, NVvH, NVNG and NVvR has been requested.

This masterclass was organized by Hospital Rijnstate in collaboration with the ZGT with the support of MML-Medical.


09.00-09.30: Reception and registration
09.30-09.35: Welcome, Dr F.B.M. (Frank) Joosten, radiologist Rijnstate
09.40-09.55: "Patient selection and other aspects", Dr. J.M.M. (Hans) de Boer, endocrinologist at Rijnstate
10.00-10.15: "Surgical viewpoints", Dr. R.R.J.P (Ramon) van Eekeren, surgeon Rijnstate
10.20-10.35: "How to start", Dr. S.J. (Sicco) Braak, radiologist ZGT
10.40-10.55: "Moving shot technique", drs. E.P. (Ernst) Bom, radiologist at Rijnstate
11.00-11.20: Coffee break
11.25-11.55: Introduction Expertise center Turin, Dr. M. Deandrea, Ospedale Umberto I, Torino
12.00-12.30: Semi-live case
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-14.00: Live case, Dr. M. Deandrea, Ospedale Umberto I, Torino
14.05-14.20: Ethanol ablation, drs. P.B. (Peter) Veendrick, radiologist Rijnstate
14.25-14.40: Toxic nodus, drs. A.J.M. (Ton) Rijnders, nuclear medicine Rijnstate
14.45-15.00: "Complications and challenging cases", Dr. M. Deandrea, Ospedale Umberto I, Torino
15.05-15.20: Tea break
15.25-15.45: FA investigation, drs. W.J. (Wouter) Bom, physician researcher Rijnstate
15.45-16.15: Semi-live case
16.15: Drinks


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